Managing Mail Clutter

Managing Mail Clutter

Managing mail clutter requires constant upkeep (except on Sundays- ha!). My philosophy is to sort the mail each day, as soon as I have my hands on it, so that it doesn’t become lost or pile up.

The way that I do this is to have a place for each type of mail. I have a hanging folder system on my kitchen wall and I as soon as I pick up the mail, I walk into the kitchen to handle it. I have a folder slot for things to “File” ( insurance information, bank statement, etc), I have a folder slot for things that need “Action” (bill to pay, etc.), and I have my recycling bin. I open and shuttle each piece of mail to its appropriate place and then I am typically done for the day (unless anything is super pressing).

Paper paper on the wall…better than a stack so tall

Paper paper on the wall…better than a stack so tall

If anything needs to be shredded, I will make a pile and either shred it that day or have a bag next to my recycling for papers to be shredded. If you don’t own a shredder, Staples will shred items for you and they do it in front of you so that you can be sure it is taken care of.

If I receive any magazines or catalogs that I would like to peruse, I put them on the table next to the couch, where I would most likely read them.

Once per week, I have a recurring time on my calendar to go through the “Action” file folder and take action as needed. For each piece of mail, I also ask myself if I needed the paper copy or if having it electronically would have been just as good. If I don’t need the paper, I go online or call to go paperless for that vendor/bank/etc.

It sounds like a lot when it is written out, but once you have a system in place that is easy to use day to day, you are more likely to maintain it and avoid the dreaded paperwork piles on your countertop.

Happy sorting!

Managing Paperwork Filing

Managing Paperwork Filing

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