Spread Cheer (Not Clutter!)- The LGN Organizing Gift Guide

Spread Cheer (Not Clutter!)- The LGN Organizing Gift Guide

Gift giving season is upon us! If keeping down clutter is something important to you or a loved one, read our gift guide below for ways to add cheer without necessarily adding too much “stuff”.

For the Adults In Your Life:

  • Experience gifts- memberships to a local museum, concert or play tickets, a restaurant gift card, coupons for free babysitting

  • Edible gifts- Gifts that can be consumed won’t take up space in your house for very long! Consider gifts like holiday cookies, a fine wine, a basket of baking ingredients and a recipe, etc.

  • Gift card towards a larger item- People may not want to ask anyone for a big gift, but if you know they have something in mind (even something like an upcoming kitchen renovation), give a gift card and say that it is for xyz purchase.

  • Spend time together- In lieu of a gift, go out to a nice dinner, or take a hike in beautiful surroundings.

  • Write a note- Pen a nice card for a loved one that has made your world a better place this year. Sharing your thoughts and happiness will no doubt bring them joy as well!

For the Kids In Your Life:

There are numerous articles about how less is more in terms of children’s toys. That being said, we all know how fun and magical it can be to give a child a gift they are excited about. Here are a few thoughts on how to gift wisely and cut down on clutter:

  • Experience gifts- local museum memberships, movie or local play place passes, tickets to a show (bonus if you are bringing the kids to the show yourself!). Contribute towards the purchase of sports lessons or a special class. Bring the child for an outing to spend time together and do something special together.

  • Build upon a collection- Do the children in your life love Magnatiles? Consider buying them specialty pieces or just an add-on pack of tiles that already work with their current collection.

  • Books- Books often don’t take up much space and you could even offer a book swap- you give books you have outgrown to smaller children and then you are gifted new (or gently used!) books.

  • Clothing- Think about (or ask the parents) what the child may need for clothing in the upcoming year. If things will need to be purchased anyway, you could meaningfully contribute.

  • Gently-used items- While not clutter-busting per say, consider looking for gifts at local thrift shops or Facebook parent swap groups. Reusing toys (especially) plastic toys, is better for the environment than buying new.

  • Contribute to a 529 or other savings for the child- This gift may not be flashy or met with shrieks of laughter and enjoyment, but it might be many years from now!

  • Art supplies- similar to edible gifts, these get used up. Tip- always ask the parents first before buying anything messy!

  • Another tip- If you are purchasing for other people’s children, consider asking them what would be best to purchase, or ask for parameters. This might not be as fun as running around the toy store for something that catches your eye, but it may mean that you can add value to the child and family in another way by gifting or contributing to something they need.

    Hope this gift guide sparked gift ideas for you this holiday season!

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