Storage Containers- When Do I Buy and When Do I Make Do?

Storage Containers- When Do I Buy and When Do I Make Do?

When to buy and when to make do is a highly subjective area. The right approach will differ from person to person and there is no right answer. This post explains the guidelines that I use for my own home to decide whether I want matching containers or if an eclectic mix will do!

  1. If it is out in the open and I need to look at it every day, matching containers work best for me.

For me, a streamlined look and feel go a long way in making me feel calm in my space. I like things to look uniform and “put together, it reduces visual clutter for me and reduces stress. In order to make this even easier for myself, I have one type of fabric bin that I use all over the house. I use them for toy storage, to store items on my bookshelf, in closets, etc. If I need to shuffle things around or need another box, there is one close at hand that already matches what I have.

Fabric bins keep this toy shelf looking uniform, despite storing many different types of toys.

Fabric bins keep this toy shelf looking uniform, despite storing many different types of toys.

2. If the physical space needs uniform containers to fit, matching containers work best.

Uniformity of storage bins not only speaks to your personal style, but it also addresses the needs of the physical space. If you are storing plastic tubs in the basement and only a certain size of tub fits on the shelf, if may be the most space efficient option to have uniform plastic tubs that you know fit in your space. Not only will they streamline the look and feel of the space, they will use the storage space in the most efficient way to maximize storage. Tip- don’t forget to label big bins so that you know what they contain and don’t have top search for what you’re looking for!

3. If the storage is concealed (like inside a drawer), try containers I have on hand first.

For drawer organization, I always use what I have on hand first. I have a few different types of drawer organizers that I have tried over the years, so I pull in pieces that are the right size and see what I can make work. If there are smaller items to corral and store, I also like to use small bowls.

I find that this approach is more successful if you have more space in the drawer than you need (which is a wonderful feeling in and of itself!). The reason I say this is because if you are putting different shaped containers that don’t all fit together like an exact puzzle, you will be “wasting” some space. If you have more space than you need, this is okay.

Mixing organizing containers works for this supply drawer. (I almost called it a junk drawer, but if it is truly junk, why would I keep it around?)

Mixing organizing containers works for this supply drawer. (I almost called it a junk drawer, but if it is truly junk, why would I keep it around?)

4. Continuously assess the storage solutions I am trying out.

As I mentioned above, I often try to use whatever storage containers I have on hand if I am organizing a drawer or a closet (i.e. a space that I am not looking at all day). Whenever I implement any organizational system, I pay attention to how it is working. Can I find what I need when I need it? Is there a spot for everything that is easily identifiable? Does the system keep things neat or are things spilling over? If I run into issues, I am not afraid to go back to the drawing board and see what isn’t working.

5. If I make purchases, I keep my preferences in mind.

As a recovering Home Goods addict, I may have more boxes laying around than the average bear, so to speak. I used to see a box I liked and snap it up. Does that mean I have a lot of boxes I like? Sure. Does it mean that I have a lot of boxes that match or are the same size? Not so much. Now, when and if I decide to purchase something (like the fabric bins I mentioned earlier), I keep my aesthetic preferences in mind. I generally don’t buy just one box or bin that doesn’t match something I already have. I don’t buy a box that I like but don’t have an immediate use for. If I am buying something for a specific space, there are measurements involved in order to maximize the storage space.

If I open up my closet looking for a storage basket, I try not to have it look like this!

If I open up my closet looking for a storage basket, I try not to have it look like this!

So there you have it- my guidelines for when I buy storage containers and when I make do. Hope this helps you craft your own approach on your journey to an organized home!

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